Redhook ESB clone By 2025-03-12 imperial of Redhook ESB clone All Grain Extra Special/Strong Bitter homebrewing recipe Prep Time: 1 hour Cook Time: 90 minutes Yield: 5 gallons
Nutrition facts: 319 calories (5.12% ABV), 12 oz,
Ingredients: 10.5 lbs Pale 2-Row - US 11.04 oz Caramel/Crystal 60 4 oz Victory (US) 4 oz Willamette 4 oz Willamette 4 oz Tettnanger 1 London ESB Ale (yeast)Instructions: 1. Add grains to pre-heated water and rest @ 153F for 60 min. 2. Remove grains and bring to boil. 3. Add hops and boil for 60 mins. 4. Cool to 65F, add yeast and let ferment for 1-2 weeks. 5. Bottle with priming sugar, let carbonate 1-2 weeks. 6. Chill and enjoy your delicious beer!

Redhook ESB clone

An All Grain recipe

By Hopster

Style: Extra Special/Strong Bitter
Batch Size: gal
Efficiency: 70%
Recipe Statistics
OG: 1.057
FG: 1.018
SRM: 8
IBU: 41
ABV: 5.12%
Profile: Extra Hoppy


10.5 lbsPale 2-Row - US361 °LMash
11.04 ozCaramel/Crystal 603360 °LMash
4 ozVictory (US)3628 °LMash


1.9 ozWillamette60 minsPellet Boil 5.2%
0.3 ozWillamette15 minsPellet Boil 5.2%
1.8 ozTettnanger2 minsPellet Boil 2.4%


London ESB AleWyeast196869%


1 tspIrish Moss15 mins Mash

Recipe Notes:

Simple, approachable beer that pours a orange copper color, slightly hazy, with streaming bubbles and a soapy off white head.

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