Candied Yam Irish Red By 2025-03-12 imperial of Candied Yam Irish Red Extract Irish Red Ale homebrewing recipe Prep Time: 1 hour Cook Time: 90 minutes Yield: 5 gallons
Nutrition facts: 319 calories (4.73% ABV), 12 oz,
Ingredients: 6.6 lbs Liquid Malt Extract - Light 6.6 oz East Kent Golding 6.6 oz Willamette 1 Nottingham Ale (yeast)Instructions: 1. Add grains to pre-heated water and rest @ 153F for 60 min. 2. Remove grains and bring to boil. 3. Add hops and boil for 60 mins. 4. Cool to 65F, add yeast and let ferment for 1-2 weeks. 5. Bottle with priming sugar, let carbonate 1-2 weeks. 6. Chill and enjoy your delicious beer!

Candied Yam Irish Red

An Extract recipe

By hrjordan52

Style: Irish Red Ale
Batch Size: gal
Efficiency: 113%
Recipe Statistics
OG: 1.046
FG: 1.01
SRM: 5
IBU: 40
ABV: 4.73%
Profile: Extra Hoppy


6.6 lbsLiquid Malt Extract - Light354 °LExtract


1 ozEast Kent Golding60 minsPellet Boil 5%
1 ozWillamette60 minsPellet Boil 5%


Nottingham AleDanstar77.5%


1 eachCinnamon Sticks1.29 weeks Primary
0.25 ozCinnamon (Ground)5 days Primary
0.25 ozOrange Juice5 days Primary
0.25 ozGinger Extract5 days Primary
0.25 ozCinnamon (Ground)5 days Secondary
0.25 ozGinger Extract5 days Secondary
0.5 ozOrange Juice5 days Secondary

Recipe Notes:

Brewed 2/11/17. Specialty grains were 8 oz. Aroma and 1 oz. Chocolate. Color above is not accurate, and it did turn out reddish brown. Accidentally added the Golding hops before removing the grain bag due to confusion with the extract instruction sheet (oops). Also added .25 oz of brown sugar for primary (2/11), and then .5 oz again at secondary (2/15). Bottled 2/19. Carbonation test will be 3/1.

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